Epilogue on the mental breakdown

 It wasn't that bad.  Getting off the Lexapro was the right thing to do.  Sure, it sucked a little, but I think a lot of my problem was frustration at my living situation.  Due to this country losing its collective mind, we're moving back to New Jersey.  That solves my living situation issue, for sure!  Because like, the issue was I hate Virginia and want to go home.  So, we're going home!

This is about the time I worry about not being on some kind of anti-depressant.  Winter sucks, AND I HATES IT.  Doing OK so far.  February is really the worst time, but we have a 2 week vacation planned for then, so!  Hope!

I had surgery in October and I'm still recovering.  While I can do basically anything I would normally do, I still have some pain.  Actually it's new pain, which is worrying.  Probably aggravated by all my sweet dance moves.


  1. Glad to hear you're moving back home to New Jersey and I hope that improves things a lot for you! Have a happy holiday season in the meantime!

    1. And a very merry one to you as well! I think going home will help me a lot, and my husband as well.


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