Decluttering - Day 1

Everything in this picture is going.  We went through at leas 15 boxes today and I'm keeping maybe six boxes worth of stuff so far.  A few of the boxes aren't even packed that well and don't have much in them.  It feels pretty good.  Lots of trash, recycling, donate, sell, and fabric recycling.

This wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.  Probably because I have help.  If I were alone, it might have been more challenging.  No hemming and hawing about whether I should keep something.  I even threw away some broken tiles I have been wanting to fix for ages.  It hurt, but I did it anyway.

Today we started with craft supplies.  Once we're done with the entire room down there, we will do another pass and see if I can get rid of even more craft stuff.  I'm really eager to do so.  Still a lot to go through; I'm hoping we get the chance.  Sounds like husband's mom will be here til at least Saturday, so I think we can make it happen.

Yesterday you could hardly walk in the basement bedroom, and now it's about half cleared out.

Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment, and will be home around 4.  We'll declutter for a bit, then hit it hard again on Tuesday.


  1. You are clearly enthusiastic and ready, even eager, to let go of old and unneeded stuff! Glad you have help to keep the process going strong!


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