Puppy family

This wee little family is down to four.  Two were adopted by the most wonderful person!  I'm so excited for her to send me pictures so I can watch them grow.  The one on the right, Franz, is going to some folks in Florida, and they're already so excited.  We're trying to figure out the best way to get him down there, whether that's in my husband's plane, or on Amtrak, or a Pilot n Paws transport.  Or some combination of those.  

Mama Abbey has started her journey away from puppies and toward life as a companion instead of a puppy-factory.  She is getting used to her crate (we bought one that ended up being far, far too big, it's actually comical) and eating with our other dogs.  Today she went on a few long walks and enjoyed acquainting herself with the yard.  This weekend she will meet other members of our rescue while they're here bringing the merchandise store to us.  She's so sweet and I know will enjoy making new friends.

And she woos!  We've had six spaniels since we've been married and none have woo'd.  I know it sounds weird but I love it.


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