A journey

For some reason, I seem to be the repository for things other people don't want.  I guess I'm not the only one.  Other folks surely have this problem.  But I seem to attract stuff and unless I'm mindful about it, it gets overwhelming.  I think it's time for me to walk the road of minimalism.

My goal isn't to own X number of things or have a stark-looking home.  I just think that if I aim for that end of the spectrum, I'll end up in a happy middle somewhere.  

Things just... appear.  And if I'm not careful, they keep appearing and then just sit there.  I stop seeing them after awhile, and never consider whether I actually need them or use them, because I'm just so used to them being there.  I never question their presence.  And now that I'm trying to do so, there are some things I still can't see.  Only while I'm doing something else do I realize, "Hey, that thing in the other room.  I totally don't need that!"  A strange phenomenon.  

A messy space stresses me the fark out.  Even a space that's too busy, where they eye can't find a place to rest, absolutely does my head in.  And because I already have nervous system disfunction, I need to me aware of how my space is affecting my health.

So here's to the start of a minimalism journey.  I've already enlisted the help of a professional.  This is going to be wild.


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