I started trimming out the dining room today. The yellow just isn't doing it for me anymore, plus we removed the very 90s chair rails so would have to paint anyway. Oh, I had such a cute vision for the yellow, but it just didn't work in this space. The blue matches my office, which is right across the foyer, so it will look more balanced I guess.
We also took two loads of stuff to the local ReStore, about 15 minutes away. Four outdoor rocking chairs with two matching small tables, plus two more outdoor pub chairs, pool noodles, an American flag, and the ceiling fan that used to live in the kitchen. They weren't sure if they had room for the ceiling fan and I'm grateful that they did indeed find room, because I really didn't want to take that stupid thing back home.
Tomorrow we are going to remove the rest of the chair rail from the dining room. It's so fucking ugly! That nonsense has no redeeming qualities. And my brain is so desperate for change, I really sat here and painted half a room. The rest will be yellow for a bit still, while we remove it, spackle the damage, wait til it dries, sand it, prime it, then trim that side of the room. There's furniture we need to move and all. But I just HAD to start, I had to see SOME kind of change.
Plus, I want to sell the china cabinet in the second picture, and the snap I take of it to put on Marketplace will look much better with the blue background. Once that's gone (and I sell the one in the other corner) I'm going to make built-ins, because storage in this house is damn near non-existent. We put in a lot. And that's stupid! This is a huge house with no fucking storage! Who built this damn thing?
It's going to be so nice when you're done painting and rearranging!