Blue progress

The photo doesn't do it justice.  I'm liking the blue so much better than the yellow.  Tomorrow I'll try to take a better pic so I can sell the china cabinet on Marketplace.  We managed to get the rest of the chair rail off and patch the damage.  I'll use the power sander instead of hand-sanding, because doing that much physical activity makes me having coughing fits.  Yes, I have a respirator.  Once that's sanded, I'll prime and trim the paint, possibly also painting the molding.  Then Tuesday I can roll surfaces, and maybe this will look like a normal dining room.

If I can sell the china cabinets, I'll have enough to buy a table saw.  And I really WANT a table saw, so fingers crossed for me there.  It would be handy to have for making the built-ins for this room.  I can always rent one, but I'd rather have my own.  It would get a lot of use. 

Tomorrow I'll also be listing a bunch of clothes on depop.  I figure each night I can iron a bag of clothing and prep it for photos, then the next day I can photograph and list.  I have so many bags to get through, but this seems manageable.  I did one tonight and it was like nothing.  So I guess I'll just keep going like this and see what happens?  The key is to not let it get annoying.  Take breaks, and don't watch the listings for views, just set it and forget it. There are so many other things to worry about.

I'll give that a shot.


  1. That's a beautiful paint job, it looks professional! I bet the china cabinet will sell right away -- it's a nice size and clearly in good condition.


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