Well, that hit different



I hate this paint color so badly.  I hate the work it takes to paint over it.  I hate the mess it makes.

I ESPECIALLY HATE the fine layer of dust all over everything after using the sander to sand the spackle.  You know why?  Because it looks like the aftermath of 9/11 and I'm a New Yorker so that traumatized me far beyond what I was expecting today.  I had to stop and clean the dust before I could move on with the work, because it was just too much emotionally for me to handle.

Each year on 9/11 I donate to a scholarship at my alma mater, set up by the parents of an alum who died on Flight 93.  And each year, her mother sends me a thank you card about it.  Those cards were on the dining room table, and got covered in dust.  

That was it, that was the last straw.   

So now it looks like an eerily clean construction zone.  I can't win.


  1. A beautiful post, beautifully written.

  2. Thank you. I spent hours cleaning tonight, just so I don't have to see that film of dust.


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