One step closer

 The cabinets are gone.  Still some stuff down there, but we have a whole huge corner of the basement empty.  EMPTY!

The guys who came were fun.  It turned into a whole thing, but we laughed through it.  Mostly issues with their trailer.  

So, I have $440 and SPACE.  

Tomorrow I will list more things on Marketplace and see if we can keep this train rolling.

I'm also looking forward to getting a dumpster.  So much little nonsense, big nonsense that can just go.  And I'm learning to just say FUCK IT and let things leave my life.

Mother in law is coming on the 8th, and we're going to power through the rest of that stupid basement.  YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED, BASEMENT.


  1. There's a lot of things that are best solved just by saying FUCK IT! Way to go on the $440!


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