
 I've stopped taking my Lexapro.  Things are about to get weird.  Actually, I stopped last month so things are already getting weird, but I have a feeling we're going through the looking glass.



Ok so the top of the quilt is done.  I'm not 100% sure what the best way to do the sides would be (I mean, I have an idea, but I want to be sure so I don't waste material).  My mother in law is coming in a few days and she will help.  Sides, then batting and bottom (paw print fabric).  This is meant to be a Christmas present for Michele the dog groomer - I think we can have it done by then!

Next I need to finish my t-shirt quilt.  It will probably go a lot quicker now that I know how to do this a bit better.  I also want to make another version of The Dress.


I'm a super extra person at heart and pretty flamboyant and also impatient and lots of other stuff that can be read into my buying these vintage (reproduction) dress patterns.

I want to make the very extra-ist dresses, and I've already got fabric in mind for these.  Plus I bought a dressform so I could freestyle with this shit because let's face it, I don't know dick about patterns.  Except!!  I know that the reproduction patterns aren't very true to the original.  That's OK - I'm learning and these are learning projects.  And I do have my mother in law to help me.  Thankfully she knows about this stuff.

There's a sewing and quilting con near me in September that I'm definitely going to, and maybe I'll take a class on how not to be so fucking spastic I dunno.


It is absolutely hotter than the devil's drawers here in Virginia.  100* with all the usual humidity.  Ugh.  I've had to purchase a laptop chill pad because the thing is overheating, I had to shave the dog (made a hash of it) and put ice packs under her at night so she can sleep, and now I'm having migraines because the temperature is just too damn high.  Will I bellyache when the winter hits?  Most definitely.  I like the heat but this is a bit much.

We went to NJ for a few days and I almost died in the ocean but I mean that's what I'm there for so yeah it was a great time.  I got to spend some lovely days with people I miss with my whole heart, had some amazing food, went to an awesome craft fair, bought cool stuff, and generally had a super great time.  The trains (NJ Transit and Amtrak) were totally farked because of the heat (and now they're sniping at each other in the news instead of working together... asshats).  Nothing major impacted us though, with the exception of our Transit train having to rescue another train that crapped out between stations.  Really never a dull moment on the trains, I swear.

Back in VA, I've been doing my best to clean out the pool.  It took a few days because I could only work on it for a few hours at a time, but it's good.  Now we need to rebuild the pump.  Easy, but we don't want to do it in the heat.  I'm also working on my quilt again, but even then I end up sweating my face off.  Our AC is old enough to drink and I think it's on the sauce because it's not doing its job.  

Today is definitely a quilting day.  I'm making more in-between pieces, and that involves the Cricut.  There are so many different things to do with this quilt that aren't actually sewing, so it's perfect for someone who gets repetitive stress symptoms pretty easily.  On Wednesday I'm making a template with basswood and the Cricut, and then I can cut fabric more easily for the other in-between strips.

I also bought dip nail powder and have been doing my nails.  I'm not really a nail girlie, but I always get them done for the yearly dog rescue events.  It's expensive though, and I figure I can do it myself perfectly well.  I'm not going to a farking debutante ball or anything.  I tried it out last night and it's definitely weird but I think I can get better at it.  

Tonight we're getting a bandsaw from someone on Marketplace.  I'm ridiculously excited.  I can make neat shit now!  I was on there trying to buy a table saw since mine fell apart in my hands, but that person was being a total weirdo.  I happened across this band saw and the dude is really nice so yeah it's happening and I'm thrilled.

Enough of this.  Time to quilt.

I actually finished something

Quilt is still in the works (and looking fab!) but I really wanted another dress like the one I bought off of Wish ages ago.  I'm such a novice sewist, so working without a pattern and generally wingin' it probably isn't the recommended learning path.  I did the thing tho!

Here are some shitty pictures for posterity.


How tf am I gonna make a dress without pockets?

I should take better pictures.  I'm real proud of this.

Rhys looks horrified.


 We visited the brand new Michael's yesterday.  It was completely fabulous.  I can't even explain how physical my response to seeing all this glitter was.  I... I just love glitter so much.

This Week - Fundraising Event

I'm not doing anything else other than preparing for this coming weekend's fundraising event for our Springer Rescue.  There's not a ton to finish, which I'm grateful for.  Most things are in that glorious DONE column.

Today I went to Joann to get fabric for a dress I wanted to whip up tonight.  I asked a few times if the amount she was giving me was enough.  She assured me it was, but of course, it was not.  Unless she thought I was only making half the dress?  So now I need to go back tomorrow.  That's annoying, because I don't have nothing to do tomorrow!


Oh my god, Michael's!  What is you doin'?  

Naming SPRAY PAINT "Aromatherapy" is really bad marketing, and you probably shouldn't put such stupid products on the shelf.

This smells like a lawsuit to me.

I also almost walked out of the store with someone else's online order because they didn't double-check the name on the ticket.

That all being said, I'm REALLY excited for the new Michael's that's opening just down the street.  Will it be filled to the brim with goodies, like the one an hour away?  Or will it be a desolate shitshow like the one I went to tonight?

I'm setting everything on fire

 I think I'm getting sick again.  This is very much not ok.  I'm super annoyed because, not only do I NOT want to go through that again, I also have so much stuff to do.  And that stuff includes planning a fundraising picnic for a dog rescue.  SO LIKE I do not have time for this nonsense.

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