Yesterday and today have had me dead. So much shit is already broken in this house, and now shit that had been working fine has just stopped doing its thing, stopped responding, suddenly doing weird things, etc. Everywhere I turn, something is messed up. And the house is just straight messy! To someone like me, who probably has AHDH (diagnosis coming soon!) everything but extreme minimalism seems messy and overwhelming. And boy, am I overwhelmed.
We're absolutely decluttering. Things go in the out piles or trash every day. Still, I'm full up and at the edges of my pain boundaries. Today we worked on the basement. Made good progress! It looks better! Someone is coming over tomorrow to pick up the old kitchen cabinets, which will mean a lot more room down there! I was grumpy the entire time. We were literally doing what I've wanted to do for ages and I was just pissed off all through it. Fuck's sake with me.
Maybe I'll feel better when the cabinets actually go, when the trash actually goes, when the donate pile actually goes.
We discussed having a standing appointment each Saturday to bring stuff to the ReStore. That might be the only way I start to mentally lighten up. Because FFS...
The kid coming to get the cabinets (and I assume he's like 25 max because his name is Jaden) is really sweet, has been super communicative, and might want to take other stuff too. He says he just bought a house and has nothing. Well, pull up a chair son, because I have EVERYTHING.
Of course, I can't find half the shit I wanted to give him. God damn I'm so sick of this.
Ok ok ok... look, my mother in law is coming back in a week or so to help me deal with the rest of the stuff in the basement. That will feel good, right? And we can call Jaden back so he can get stuff.
Also, I'm painting my nails and the paint never fucking dries?? WHY DOESN'T ANYTHING FUCKING WORK RIGHT. ANYTHING!